My name is Emenime Peace Isioma, I'm 18 years old and a student at Simtech Creative. I got to know about Simtech Creative through a family friend when I was looking for a place to learn coding and web design, he told me that they teach very well and it will be good for me.
At first, when i started the training at Simtech, it was quite difficult because I always come late. One fateful day, due to my late coming, my instructor mr Umukoro Simeon, had to send me home and that was when I made up my mind to be punctual. And since then, I always strive to arrive early in class, though some other days, I arrive late.
Simtech teaches well and give detailed explanations. I have learnt Html, CSS, Bootstrap and a little bit of Javascript. Html is used to build the structure of a website while CSS is for styling and Bootstrap helps your website to be mobile friendly.
I have also learnt how to arrange my codes, put my folders in order and most importantly, I have learnt how to put my heart and mind in what I do, stay focused and ask questions when I'm in a state of confusion.
I design this website in fulfillment of my Basic Web Design Program using the programming skills I have learnt here at Simtech during my 3 months training.
I recommend you come to Simtech if you want to be a website developer because they go deep in explanation and I also recommend you do business with Simtech if you need branding, digital marketing and website development anytime. Simtech Creative is the best website designer.